Wondering what’s next? You’ve got options.

From one-on-one coaching to team workshops to communication-focused mentoring,
the experience is tailored to you.

They all start with a free 30-minute discovery consultation.

Free Consult

Perfect for someone whose curiosity is piqued on what this could mean.

  • We’ll identify your primal question and dive into how your past informs and impacts your present and future.

  • We’ll take a look at where you are now, what you’re experiencing and talk about how coaching could equip you for your next step.

1:1 Coaching 

Ideal for someone who wants to go all-in.

  • We’ll identify your primal question and dive into how your past informs and impacts your present and future.

  • We’ll take a look at where you are now, what you’re experiencing and where to shift, maintain or amplify.

  • Through consistent conversations and checkins, we’ll use the learnings from our personal discovery to develop a custom plan and action steps, inspired by your primal question.

Team Workshop

Designed for those looking to go a step deeper with peers, partners and those you lead.

  • We’ll spend time going over the basics of the the Seven Primal Questions framework and how it can be used effectively in a team environment.

  • Each individual will take the quiz in real-time and through a facilitated discussion around results and reflections, will gain a personal and team perspective.

  • After reflecting and a results discussion, we’ll identify how to move forward individually as well as a team, utilizing what’s been learned about ourselves and each other.